Original versions

1976 - 77 (CR250) Black vinyl with HONDA on rear in white

1976 - 77 (CR125) Black vinyl with HONDA on rear in white

1978 - 80 (CR250) Black vinyl with HONDA on rear in white

1979 - 80 (CR125) Black vinyl with HONDA on rear in white

1981 - 82 (CR250) Black vinyl with 250R on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1984 (CR125/250/500) Blue vinyl with CR on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1986 Blue vinyl with CR on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1989 - 90 CR125/250/500 Red vinyl wirh HONDA on sides in white

1991 - 96 CR125/250/500 Red vinyl wirh HONDA on sides in white


Racing versions

1976 - 77 (CR250) Black vinyl with Moto Fox logo on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1976 - 77 (CR125) Black vinyl with Moto Fox logo on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1976 - 77 (CR250) Red vinyl with Moto Fox logo on sides and HONDA on rear in yellow

1976 - 77 (CR125) Red vinyl with Moto Fox logo on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1978 - 80 (CR250) Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with HONDA on rear in yellow

1978 - 80 (CR250) Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with MOTO-FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in yellow

1978 - 80 (CR250) Black high grip vinyl on top and black on sides with MOTO FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1979 - 80 (CR125) Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with HONDA on rear in yellow

1979 - 80 (CR125) Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with MOTO-FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in yellow

1979 - 80 (CR125) Black high grip vinyl on top and black on sides with MOTO FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1979 - 80 (CR125) Black high grip vinyl on top and black on sides with MOTO FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in white

1981 - 82 (CR250/450/480) Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with MOTO-FOX on sides and HONDA on rear in yellow

1989 - 96 CR250/500 Black high grip vinyl on top and red on sides with vinyl wirh HONDA on sides in white



1988 - 1991 NX650

- Black vinyl with HONDA on sides in white, yellow or red

- Red vinyl with HONDA on sides in white or yellow

- Yellow vinyl with HONDA on sides in white

- Blu vinyl with HONDA on sides in white or yellow

1992 - 1994 NX650

- Blu vinyl with logo on sides in red, white or yellow

- Black vinyl with logo on sides in white, yellow or red

- Yellow vinyl with logo on sides in white

- Red vinyl with logo on sides in white or yellow


1995 - 1999 NX650

- Black vinyl with HONDA on sides in white, yellow or red

- Red vinyl with HONDA on sides in white or yellow

- Yellow vinyl with HONDA on sides in white

- Blu vinyl with HONDA on sides in white or yellow

- Light green vinyl with HONDA on sides in white


Africa Twin XRV

RD03 XRV 650 1988/89
RD04 XRV 750 1990/92


1988 - 91 Blu vinyl

- Blu vinyl with gripper insert on top



Cub EZ 90

- Blu vinyl with logo on back